Burial for New Essex Masorti is under the auspices of Joint Jewish Burial Society at:
The Western Cemetery (Cheshunt)
The Western Cemetery
Bullscross Ride
Burial is included in membership. Children are members up to the age of 21.
The synagogue pays an annual, non-refundable fee to JJBS both to cover the actual cost of the funeral and the plot and to provide and maintain the cemeteries at Cheshunt.
If you live within the Home Counties area this provides you with the right either to a burial at Cheshunt or a cremation at Golders Green Crematorium – Please note that a Masorti Rabbi would not officiate at any cremation.
In the rest of the country, JJBS will provide a substantial contribution to the funeral costs.
These rights begin as soon as you join as a member of the synagogue. If a member dies during the first 6 months of membership a charge for the cost of the funeral will be made.
Please contact us or the JJBS Office on 020 8989 5252 if the office is closed in the event of a death.
Counselling Service
Most people need support following a bereavement, and often family, friends and community can fill this need.
The death of someone close can be a devastating experience. Losing a loved one, can affect you profoundly, and can be overwhelming. If you feel you need help, please contact:
Jewish Bereavement Counselling Service
c/o Maurice and Vivienne Wohl Campus
221 Golders Green Road
NW11 9DQ
0208 951 3881
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Tel: 07922 090180
Email: nemasorti@hotmail.com
Office hours: Monday 1.30pm - 6.30pm
Emails & messages are checked out of office hours.